

FAQ Register

  • How do I register on Qoo10?

    Registration on Qoo10 is easy and its free! Just fill in a simple form and you can start shopping! 

    If you would like to join us now, please click HERE.   

  • What is the difference between the Qoo10 member and guest

    There are various benefits if the order is made as a Qoo10 member such as Qpoint, Qstamps and Qoo10 member can join in a variety of events provided by Qoo10.

    (For more info on Qpoint, Qstamp, coupons, please refer other FAQ on "Account" category.)

    And as for the registered member, it is possible to trace back the QooID or reset the password when you forget the Qoo10 ID or password.

  • Unsubscribe to Qoo10 Newsletter

    If you do not wish to receive Qoo10 newsletters, please sign in and click on [edit info] link located at the top of the main page.
    Next, go to personal info > newsletter subscription and select "I don't want to subscribe" and click on save.

    If you wish to go to the [Edit info] page , please click here

  • I wish to change my address.

    In order for you to amend your address ,please sign in then click on [edit info] located on the top of the main page, follow by personal info> address and subsequently, click on "My Address Book".

    You can add or delete the shipping address in "My Address Book".

    You will be able to edit the address by by Double-clicking the address you wish to edit.

    Do remember to click on the "change" button to save the details.

  • How do I close my Qoo10 account?

    We want you to have the best online shopping experience with us.

    If you choose to close your Qoo10 account, here’s how:

    1. Check your Shopping List : Ensure all transactions are completed.

    2. Check your Q account: Withdraw any remaining amount in Q account.

    3. kindly click here : I want to close Qoo10 account

  • Change the user password

    In order for you to change the password, please log in and click on [Edit info] located on the top of the main page.

    And go to personal info > password and click on change password.

    On this page, you can change other personal information too.